Drum Room

Drum Lessons in Woolooware
Home studio in a private and air-conditioned room in Woolooware equipped with two quality drum kits and speakers.
Play along with your favourite tracks.
Free street parking.
15 min walk from Woolooware train station.
Learn and practice at low decibel levels
Two drum sets equipped with special heads and cymbals that reduce the decibel levels by near 80% when compared to a standard kit. This eliminates the annoying need of hearing protection during lessons or training.
It's not electronic, and not rubber pads. They are called mesh heads. You'll feel as much pleasure as when you play a drum set with the conventional heads. The same is valid for the low volume cymbals.
And if you are interested I can guide you, at no cost and outside your lesson time, through the process of getting the equivalent type of gear and play acoustic drums at your home at low decibels.
Online Drum Lessons
Learn from the comfort of your home.
In case of regular lessons, purchasing a hard copy of the book Pegada Drum Method will be very helpful.